i met dwight  about 7-8 years ago,
he was another one of my cases that i had. he is a... was a serial killer.
he was one of the most unnerving man i've ever met.
dwight has his faced wrapped in bandages due to the fact that he was found with a SAW right inside his left temple taking out his eye. not to mention both of his arms ar broken. a "miracle" hes still alive.
"as with all my clients, i'll ask you some questions"
no verbal reply
"i understand that you are NOT asking to be found innocent."
"okay,why not, you would like to be free wouldnt you?"
thats a first...
"so, dwight. what can you tell me about this "berith" character"
he immediatly gives out a look of fear.
"whats wrong"
"dont...dont say his name please" 
he says this while holding back tears.
"okay" i say in reassurance.
i pause for a moment, thinking how he is acting like a victim even though he is the main suspect.
and frankly, the killer. i mean, he obviosuly is the killer. they found all 6 bodies in his basement.
"again, who is this ber" i pause. "this character"
"hes not a character, hes real" 
"okay, so he is in fact a person"
"no, hes a demon"
hilarious, a demon.
"so berith is not a person."
he shrieks in fear and tries to get up, but cant since hes chained to the chair.
i get out of the interragation room to give him a few minutes to calm down.
i get back in and sit down.
"dwight, how about we.." i look away, thinking of a synonym for berith.
"how about we call him B"
"thats fine"
"tell me about him" 
the doors were locked, i made sure of it.
i checked them all.
i squeel out in pleasure as i run downstairs to the basement. 
i close the door and immediatly i hear a muffled scream.
"guess who's home!!" i yell out in joy.
"my sixth love. ohh, how we will have fun for the remaining hours of your life." i pause and wait for the reply. there is none.
i slowly walk down the stairs and slip my knife out of my pocket. 
she shouldnt have fell in love with me. but like all women, she is naughty. 
i reach the final step and peer down into the darkness.
"hello" i say in sheer delight. 
i turn on the light and shes not there on the table where i strapped her.
my smiles immediatly vanishes.
"bitch, do you want me or not."
i get hit in the back of the head with something. i turn and shes running up the stairs. she doesnt have any pants on.
shes a pretty girl, 5' 7" 130 brunette. her names melissa.
"ohh baby girl!"
i grab her ankle and pull her back down. shes making to much noise, so i quickly grab her hair and slit her throat. i feel the life leave her and her body goes limp.
i drag her bleeding body back to the "operating" table and stuff my hand inside of her open neck, grabbing on to something.
ahh, the spine. 
i tug and pull with all my might, until i hear a brittle snap.
i open the wound a little more and cut her vocal cords out. i keep them as a memento.
i put my hand in her mouth, and slowly push my arm in. i feel my way around and push my hand out of the open neck slit.
it feels good.
in this moment, i am commiting one of the most powerful thing a human being can do.
and thats taking life from another person.
only a select few have the talent.
after ten or so minutes of pleasure i stop for now.
"i'll see you later" i say, and lean in to kiss her. ohh how i like that sweet taste of iron in blood.
i get upstairs and right into the shower. i like how the blood comes clean off and mixes in with the water. 
it gets lonely in this big house. 
but i've found ways to compensate. 
theres my five friends in the basement. and the newcomer.
sadly after a week or two they start to smell so i throw them out.
the neighbors dont have a clue.
i get out of the shower and turn on the tv.
something about a bombing in al hillah,iraq. 
im hungry...
i tiptoe downstairs and open my fridge up.
some tuna or charred human ribs....
i look outside and its dark, besides the neighbors windows and such.
as i put the ribs into the microwave, i hear creaking behind me.
i dart my had to the side using my peripheral vision to see whos there.
of course no one.
i chomp down and let the juices flow into my mouth.
it tastes good.
i put it beside the couch and take a quick nap.
i wake up to a hissing niose. i dart my head up and look around, even though its too dark to see.
i get up off the couch and look around. again i cant see anything and this frustrates me.
i go for the lamp next to the tv and turn it on. 
everything looks normal to me. i scratch my head and begin the descent up the stairs to my bed.
i slip and nearly fall down the stairs. 
you're not taking me yet god.
i hear a faint whisper
its naa...
i look around in confusion, what was that?
i run upstairs and get my knife out the drawer.
what am i doing, im insane, but not that insane.
i sit their for several minutes just listening to se if i can hear it agian.
i put my knife on the dresser and close the door.
i finally jump in bed.
i slowly drift off into sleep, and as soon as my eyes close, the door creeks open.
whatever... i'm too tired.
i again begin to close my eyes and out of nowhere i hear 3 loud bangs.
it scares the hell out of me.
i get my knife and run downstairs to see who's at the door, nearly running into things in the darkness.
i open it and say a cheerful "hello" but no ones there. 
again i hear three loud knocks. 
and they were coming straight from the basement door.
i think to myself."oh, hell no!"
i get my knife out and walk to the door.
i am a taker of souls, fear is a thing i do not know of.
i open the door expecting something, but get nothing.
i charge downstairs head on. 
i turn the light on and see that melissas body is still there.
i sigh with relief. how could she even be alive?
its naaaat... 
that whispering again.
"shut the fuck up!!"i yell. 
the basement door slams shut and i run up to it, its jammed or locked.
what the fuck is going on.
i run back down the stairs and dont know what to do. and out of the corner of my eye, i see that there is nothing on the "operating" table.
i run back up to the door and run into it, breaking it off of its hinges.
what the fuck is going on!
i run upstairs like a child, fumbling over my own feet and such.
then i run right into my room, and into my bed.
"this has to be a dream" i say. 
i sit their for several minutes, and calm down.
i pull the sheets up over my shoulder and turn on my right side facing the dresser.
good fucking god.
its naaaat god... 
a chill runs down my back.
i dare not move for fear may make me crazed
a couple seconds i feel someone or something breath down my neck.
i turn, and right there 2 inches away from my face. 
.was her.
i get up out from the bed and stop myself from shrieking. 
this cant be happening
and yet it is. 
she isnt moving though. she's still dead.
what do i do, tell the police.
that would be utterly stupid.
no, i need to get rid of her.
i drag her down the stairs and throw her body down into the basement.
i get some knifes and a saw and run down their. 
in sheer stupidity i fall down the steps and knock myself out.........
i get up and their is pure darkness, a faint howling sound is in the distance.
my eyes adjust to the darkness. its cold, and the floor beneath me is icy.
                                where am i?
a booming vioce tells me:           "hell!!"
i get up and run. and run. 
i run until i slam my face into a stone wall.
i fall back and crack my head open. 
the pain is bad, but i've been through worse.
"do you know who i am!!" he yells out.
" no "
"berith, the prince of cherubim. i am the lord of violence, and you, fall into my domain!!
"no, your joking"
"i do not joke."
a shadow emerges into my view, its her. 
with her luscious brunette hair slightly tinged red with blood.
her head unnaturally tilted back, mouth gaping open. 
the hole in her neck revealing flesh and the spine i nearly pulled out.
"she is not the only one that you have killed."
i do not say anything in fear of digging myself deeper.
"ohh, say what u want pest, but you cannot hide from your destiny"
no this cant be happening. a simple slip cost me my LIFE. the pleasures of living, the food, the money, the MURDER. 
he sits their laughing.i feel light headed. 
"this can't be happening"
i sit on the ground and look out into the distance. 
in front of me, a silhoutte appears out of the darkness. seconds later i see the details. 
the guts i pulled out of her stomach and played with in a frenzy, the scalp i tediously ripped open and fondled. debra, my 5th murder. 
i can't get up, i'm froze in complete denial and fear. right behind debra comes my 4th murder,
she was a hooker,40 to 50 years of age, i strangled her to death. then i chopped her head and arms off. i kept her bones in a trash bag in the basement.
next came my 3rd murder, my mother. i put a pillow over her face until shed died. for the "life" of me i couldn't do anymore to her.
my second murder... james. 
originally i don't consider it murder since he tried to mug me. but he pulled a knife out on me and swung. i too had a knife. 
i pulled it out and at the right time i swung with all my might. it cut clean through his neck nearly hitting the spinal cord. 
i kicked and stabbed the body a couple of times before i fled the scene. 
my first murder... jake. i was only 13 when i did it. he was my age. i had envisioned killing someone at that age. and i finally did.
i took a kitchen knife out of the drawer and we were playing with it. we went out into the woods and i hesitated, but eventually i poked his eye out with it. 
he cried out in pain and i immediatly jammed the knife into his mouth. he was still alive, screaming in agony, bleeding everywhere. 
i had to stop it, so i hacked at his face and neck. he died.
i was in tears.
"you are the one that is crying?"
im sorry.  
"you are sorry?" he can read my mind.
"you, the man who takes lives for fun, is sorry. scum, you take advantage of everyone you meet. you are a leech on humanities hand, sucking its blood away slowly but surely.
you should be sorry, but even though you are, it will not help now. now you will stay here. alone. in the cold. no one to take advantage of. you will starve day after day
wandering the darkness. you will eventually find life, but only the life you have taken. they will chase you, and haunt you. they will kill you. and you will spawn right here.
for your deeds you will have to find a way out. a true way out. be it finally understanding what life really is, or truelly apoligizing to the lives you've taken. and when you do. 
you will be accepted into enlightenment. this is your only means of redemption. this is the only way you can redeem yourself." 
"but first, you must pay!!" 
wait a minute! as soon as he said that my james and jake become suspects, taking me by both my arms and pulling. pulling. it hurts my jionts, but they dont cease. the pain rises and my shoulders pop. 
after a few seconds of utter pain and agony, my tendons and muscles rip, i hear them do so. the skin finally parts and i fall on my knees. the pain is so heavy my body shakes uncontrollably.
i pass out from the blood loss and die. and like the snap of a finger, i am still there.
my mother and the hooker come for their turn. one of them pokes my left eye out, and then they start punching there. it hurts so bad i puke. 
melissa and debra come in and are about to start their reign of agony and it all stops.
my eyes open and im in a hospital bed. it was a dream.
after the meeting i couldn't go to sleep, dwight wasn't lying about what he did to his victims. 
it was there in the pictures of melissa plain as day. sickening. i couldn't get it out of my head.
after several weeks of prison dwight passed away from a large blood clot in his head. 
i felt sorry for him. becuase if all what he was saying was true, then he's going to be in "hell" for a LONG time.
as for me, i fell into a slight depression.luckily i did recouperate and moved on. i'm still a lawyer. the reason i'm writing this down in my computer is because i have another case just like this coming up.
its about a man that disappeared for several years, he too is a serial killer. but unlike dwight, he isn't injured in any way, and claims to have faced berith.